Egyptian Cat Names: 150 Exotic Names From Ancient Egypt

Egyptian Cat Names: Picture Your new cat, regal and mysterious, perches on the armrest. Their eyes glow like emerald jewels in the soft light.

They’re your very own sphinx with grace and allure. What could be more fitting than a name that rings of pyramids, pharaohs, and ancient deities?

Welcome to a world of Egyptian cat names, a trove of names inspired by one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world.

For centuries Egypt has been hailed for its contribution to art, architecture, and knowledge.

And amidst this cultural tapestry, cats held a powerful position. They were worshipped and served as symbols of grace and spirituality.

Choosing an Egyptian name for your cat is a tribute to this history. It resonates with a time when cats were sacred. Indeed, a divine choice!

Join us as we journey back in time, exploring the most exotic names for your cat from the scrolls of Ancient Egypt.

Historical Importance Of Cats In Ancient Egypt

Historical Importance Of Cats In Ancient Egypt
Historical Importance Of Cats In Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians highly esteemed cats. They saw domesticated cats as good luck charms.

Even by accident, hurting a cat carried severe penalties. Art and sculpture often illustrated cats, showcasing their grace and poise.

Egyptian culture and religion held a deep love for cats. Owners even mummified and buried their cats with them! 

Remember Bastet? Also known as Bast, she was a favorite deity. Revered as a goddess of home, and fertility, and the pharaoh’s protector.

Owning a cat was seen as a blessing. Pay tribute by naming your cat after these revered figures. A wonderful honor!

Ancient Egyptian Cat Names

Ancient Egyptian Cat Names
Ancient Egyptian Cat Names

The ancient civilization of Egypt was a blend of reality and celestial mirage. The heart of ancient Egypt lies in its gods and goddesses.

In the kingdom of the Nile, the gods and goddesses ruled supreme and held a significant place in daily life.

These deities were painted, sculpted, and chiseled with grandeur alongside the most revered creature: the cat.

Stepped in history ancient Egyptian cat names hold a charm that resonates with your cat.

Unearth these relics from the past and grace your feline with a name as immortal as ancient Egypt itself.

It’s a chance to choose a name steeped in Egyptian history. These names carry the grandiosity of a civilization that cherished cats as sacred.

Huddle into our list of ancient Egyptian cat names and find the best ancient Egyptian names for your cat.

  • Akhenaten: This is named after an ancient Egyptian pharaoh renowned for temporarily switching Egypt’s traditional polytheistic religion to monotheistic.
  • Userkaf: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the Fifth dynasty; the name could be used for a regal and noble cat.
  • Seti: This Egyptian name means “of Seth”, which refers to the ancient Egyptian god of chaos.
  • Neferkare: This name comes from an ancient Egyptian pharaoh and it means “the soul of Ra is beautiful.”
  • Sobeknefru: Named after a ruling queen of Egypt, giving it a regal tone.
  • Meketaten: She was the daughter of the royal couple, Nefertiti and Akhenaten, suitable for a cat with a regal lineage.
  • Ramses: A name for your cat inspired by one of Egypt’s most powerful and celebrated Pharaohs, Ramses II.
  • Amenemhat: This name means ‘Amun is in the Forefront’, derived from a Pharaoh’s name.
  • Tutmose: Refers to several Pharaohs of the New Kingdom, it means “Born of God Thoth.”
  • Khufu: Name your cat after the Pharaoh who had the Great Pyramid of Giza built.
  • Nefertiti: The name of the famous queen known for her beauty, meaning “the beautiful (or perfect) woman has come.”
  • Imhotep: Imhotep was a chancellor to the pharaoh and high priest of the sun god Ra.
  • Unas: A Pharaoh of the Ancient Egyptian Fifth Dynasty, suitable for a powerful cat.
  • Cleopatra: One of Egypt’s most famous queens, Cleopatra was known for her beauty and intelligence.
  • Ahmose: Meaning “Born of the moon”, this name was borne by various pharaohs.
  • Hathor: Hathor is the ancient Egyptian goddess of joy, feminine love, and motherhood.
  • Geb: Geb was the Egyptian god of the Earth and a member of the Heliopolitan Ennead.
  • Isetnofret: A prominent royal woman from the dynasty of Ramesses II, a suitable name for a royal and regal cat.
  • Atum: Often associated with the sun god, Atum is considered a creator deity in ancient Egyptian mythology.
  • Neith: Neith is a war goddess and huntress worshiped in the ancient Egyptian religion.
  • Horus: Horus is the falcon-headed god of the sky, kingship, and victory.
  • Ptah: Known as the god of craftsmen, Ptah embodies creativity, a suitable name for a playful and curious cat.
  • Sekhmet: The lioness goddess of war, a perfect name for a fierce and protective cat.
  • Anubis: The jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife.
  • Serket: A goddess who is protective against poisonous stings and bites.
  • Mut: Mut is a primal deity symbolizing motherhood.
  • Amunet: This name means ‘she who is hidden’, a reference to a goddess in the Ogdoad, a pantheon of eight primeval deities.
  • Osiris: The god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation.
  • Thutmose: An excellent name for your cat coming from the Thutmosid dynasty of Egypt, it means “Born of Thoth”.
  • Ra: The ancient Egyptian god of the sun and king of the gods.
  • Taharqa: The name of a pharaoh who was one of Egypt’s most powerful leaders during the Twenty-fifth Dynasty.
  • Nut: She is the sky goddess, one of the oldest deities of ancient Egypt.
  • Shu: Shu is the god of the wind and air.
  • Isis: Isis is known as the goddess of health, marriage, wisdom, and a true friend to artisans.
  • Bastet: The lioness warrior goddess of the sun, Bastet was also the goddess of home, fertility, and protector of the Pharaoh.
  • Tefnut: Tefnut is the goddess of moisture, moist air, dew, and rain in Ancient Egyptian religion.
  • Montu: Montu is the falcon-headed god of war and the sun.
  • Khepri: This is the god of the rising sun and represents creation and the renewal of life.
  • Khonsu: Khonsu is the god of the moon and time.
  • Hapi: Hapi is the god of the annual flooding of the Nile, symbolizing abundance and fertility.
  • Anhur: The ancient Egyptian god of war and hunting.
  • Nefertem: The god of healing and beauty in ancient Egypt, symbolizing the first sunlight and the delightful smell of the Egyptian blue water lily flower.
  • Maahes: God of war and weather, his name means “(one who can) see in front”.
  • Meretseger: She was greatly revered by the artisans of Deir el-Medina, who would pray for her mercy.
  • Wepwawet: An early god of war, “the opener of the ways”.
  • Min: An ancient Egyptian god of fertility and lettuce!
  • Taweret: The protective ancient Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility.
  • Satis: She protected Egypt’s southern border with Nubia, her primary role was as a protector goddess.
  • Mafdet: The goddess representing legal justice, or acting as a terrifying slayer of evildoers.
  • Renenutet: The hooded cobra goddess, a nourishing goddess and the protector of pharaohs.

Egyptian Cat Names Male

Egyptian Cat Names Male
Egyptian Cat Names Male

Finding an Egyptian name for your male cat that mirrors the power and majesty of the mighty Pharaohs?

Open the golden chest of history and immerse yourself in our list of Egyptian male cat names.

Your male cat, with his unique charm and strength, deserves a name that matches his nobility.

Isn’t it fascinating to visualize him as an Egyptian pharaoh, ruling the kingdom with power?

Egyptian history, rich in wisdom, offers many names that capture these glorious traits.

Give your cat a name that expresses these qualities as they go about ruling your home with their presence.

Below you’ll find our list of Egyptian male cat names that will do justice to your cat’s personality.

  • Kafele: This name means “one who is worth dying for” and embodies devotion.
  • Amun: Name your cat after Amun, the ancient Egyptian god of the sun and air.
  • Heqet: Heqet is the Egyptian frog goddess of fertility, suitable for a lively and energetic cat.
  • Nekhbet: Nekhbet is an ancient Egyptian goddess often depicted as a vulture, symbolizing protection and motherhood.
  • Qadesh: Named after an ancient Egyptian god of the desert, perfect for a cat from a desert breed.
  • Hor-Neb: This name means “Horus is my lord,” Horus being the falcon-headed god of the sky and warfare.
  • Thoth: Thoth is the ancient Egyptian god of knowledge, wisdom, and writing.
  • Heru: An alternative name for Horus, the falcon-headed god of the sky, kingship, and victory.
  • Aten: Derived from the ancient Egyptian solar disk deity, representing the sun.
  • Ipet: Ipet is an ancient Egyptian goddess who was responsible for nursing the gods.
  • Seth: Also known as Set, he is the ancient Egyptian god of chaos and storms.
  • Kebechet: The goddess of purification, best suited for a cat that loves cleanliness.
  • Necho: The name of two ancient Egyptian pharaohs, Necho I and Necho II.
  • Bes: An ancient Egyptian god depicted as a dwarf and symbol of protection, humor, and joy.
  • Sobek: Sobek is the ancient Egyptian crocodile god associated with fertility and military prowess.
  • Apep: The ancient Egyptian serpent deity symbolizes chaos and is considered the enemy of the sun god Ra.
  • Neferhotep: The name of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh meaning “Ra’s beauty pleases” or “satisfied with Ra’s beauty.”
  • Aker: Aker is the ancient Egyptian god of the earth, symbolizing the horizon.
  • Necho: Another name for the two ancient Egyptian pharaohs, Necho I and Necho II.
  • Khafre: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh known for building the second-largest pyramid in Giza.
  • Horemheb: The last pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty known for restoring order after Akhenaten’s reign.
  • Merneptah: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty and the son of Ramses II.
  • Djoser: Djoser is a pharaoh of the Third Dynasty, credited with the construction of the Step Pyramid.
  • Smenkhkare: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh during the Amarna period, known for their mysterious identity.
  • Psamtik: Name your cat after this powerful ancient Egyptian pharaoh from the 26th Dynasty.
  • Babi: This ancient Egyptian god has a lion-like appearance and is linked to fertility, aggression, and dominance.
  • Heka: An ancient Egyptian god associated with magic and medicine.
  • Djehuty: An alternative spelling of Thoth’s name, the god of knowledge and wisdom.
  • Kahotep: This name means “spirit of peace” or “peaceful soul,” perfect for a calm, loving cat.
  • Kagemni: Name your cat after Kagemni, a vizier in ancient Egypt during the Sixth Dynasty.
  • Senusret: Derived from a line of pharaohs; name your cat after one of these mighty rulers.
  • Menes: Legend credits Menes with uniting Upper and Lower Egypt, making him Egypt’s first pharaoh.
  • Djer: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh from the First Dynasty, perfect for a strong, independent cat.
  • Den: The name of one of the oldest Egyptian pharaohs, which means “he who brings water.”
  • Bakenkhonsu: A high-ranking Egyptian official, ideal for a regal, dignified cat.
  • Apedemak: An ancient Egyptian god with a lion’s head, symbolizing courage and protection.
  • Sobekhotep: A name meaning “Sobek is satisfied” and derived from a series of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
  • Huya: A nobleman during the reign of Amenhotep III, it is a name well-suited for an elegant cat.
  • Pepi: The name of two ancient Egyptian pharaohs, known for their long reigns.
  • Mehemet: An alternative spelling of the name Muhammad in Egypt, suitable for a noble and revered cat.
  • Ptolemy: A name of several Hellenistic rulers after Alexander the Great’s death, including those in Egypt.
  • Teti: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty known for restoring a traditional cult.
  • Yuya: An Egyptian nobleman known for being the father of Tiye, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III.
  • Seqenenre: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh, name your cat after him to inherit his warrior spirit.
  • Anen: Son of the high priest of Amun; the name is suitable for a dignified and regal cat.
  • Heqamaat: This name means “he who has arisen in truth and justice,” reflecting a strong, fair-minded cat.
  • Narmer: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh who likely played a pivotal role in unifying Upper and Lower Egypt.
  • Iryhor: The name of an Egyptian pre-dynastic ruler, it would be suitable for a distinguished and refined cat.
  • Masaharta: Name your cat after Masaharta, the High Priest of Amun in ancient Egypt.
  • Neferkara: An ancient Egyptian pharaoh’s name, meaning “a perfect soul,” suitable for a graceful and elegant cat.

Egyptian Cat Names Female

Egyptian Cat Names Female
Egyptian Cat Names Female

female cat, grace, charm, and elegance should shine through in her name. Ancient Egyptian female cat names echo these qualities.

Elegant and enchanting, your female cat glows with an air of mysticism and grace.

Amid the sands of ancient Egypt, female cat royalty thrived, their names echoing power.

Choose a name that aligns your cat with Egyptian queens like Cleopatra or a goddess like Bastet.

Allow their charming elegance to serve as inspiration for the perfect Egyptian name.

She deserves a name that celebrates her beauty and spirit. A name that captures her grace while saluting the power she wields.

Delve into our list of Egyptian female cat names and capture the female majesty in all its ancient glory.

  • Selket: Derived from Serket, the ancient Egyptian goddess of scorpions, healing, and protection against venomous bites.
  • Tuya: The name of an ancient Egyptian queen, the mother of Ramses II, signifying royalty and power.
  • Nefertari: The name of one of Egypt’s most famous queens, Nefertari means “the most beautiful of them all.”
  • Hatshepsut: The formidable female pharaoh of Egypt, known for her strategic thinking and architectural innovations.
  • Wosret: Name your cat after Wosret, an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with the protection of women and children.
  • Neferure: The name of an ancient Egyptian princess, daughter of Hatshepsut; symbolizes beauty and elegance.
  • Meritamun: This name means “beloved of the god Amun,” signifying devotion and reverence.
  • Merneith: An ancient Egyptian queen who ruled during the 1st Dynasty, combining power and grace.
  • Ishtar: Named after an ancient goddess, embodying love, beauty, and fertility.
  • Tiye: The influential wife of Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III and mother of Akhenaten.
  • Sitamun: A royal daughter of Amitis from Egypt’s 18th Dynasty that signifies grace and nobility.
  • Henuttawy: This name means “the lady of the two lands,” referring to ancient Egypt’s Upper and Lower kingdoms.
  • Meresankh: Granddaughter of Khufu, signifying love and loyalty towards a royal family.
  • Ahmose-Meryetuman: An innovative Egyptian queen known for breaking gender norms, naming your cat after her could signify courage.
  • Sobekneferu: The first confirmed female pharaoh of Egypt, symbolizing strength and determination.
  • Sitre: A beautiful Egyptian queen who was devoted to her husband and the mother of Ramses I.
  • Ankhesenamun: The wife of Tutankhamun, known for her elegance, beauty, and grace.
  • Nefera: A name of uncertain origin, but connected to the concept of beauty and perfection.
  • Kiya: Name your cat after Kiya, an Egyptian queen and the mother of Tutankhamun.
  • Tetisheri: The wife of Senakhtenre and the grandmother of Ahmose I, showcasing strength and family devotion.
  • Maatkare: A name meaning “truth is the soul of the sun god,” representing wisdom and spirituality.
  • Thuya: An ancient Egyptian noblewoman, mother of Tiye, and grandmother of Akhenaten.
  • Mutemwiya: The mother of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, symbolizing a strong maternal instinct.
  • Nefertkau: A princess during the Fourth Dynasty, showcasing grace and elegance in royalty.
  • Neferuptah: An ancient Egyptian princess, with a name meaning “beautiful one of Ptah,” the god of craftsmanship.
  • Kemsit: A female official during ancient Egypt, the name could exude grace, wisdom, and nobility.
  • Nebethetepet: An Egyptian goddess whose name means “the satisfied lady,” representing contentment and happiness.
  • Iset: The name of several ancient Egyptian princesses and queens, symbolizing grace and nobility.
  • Nedjemipet: This name represents a refined and sophisticated taste based on the ancient Egyptian term “sweet.”
  • Niobia: Derived from Niobe, the mythical queen from Greek mythology, embodying beauty, grace, and vulnerability.
  • Nebettawy: This name means “the lady of the two lands,” reflecting the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt.
  • Mutnodjmet: A female noble from Egypt’s 18th Dynasty, representing grace, devotion, and wisdom.
  • Kawit: Name your cat after Kawit, the nurse of the Egyptian queen Mentuhotep, symbolizing love and caregiving.
  • Sadeh: An ancient Egyptian goddess, embodying fertility and love.
  • Erato: The Egyptian goddess of love poetry, perfect for a cat with a creative and elegant temperament.
  • Ashayet: An ancient Egyptian noblewoman, highlighting beauty and sophistication in royalty.
  • Weret: This name means “the great one,” representing greatness and power.
  • Mutemuia: An Egyptian queen during the 18th Dynasty, signifying elegance, devotion, and wisdom.
  • Bitanu: A woman in ancient Egyptian mythology, whose name showcases beauty and grace.
  • Astennu: The female counterpart of Aten, the solar disk deity, embodying the sun’s warmth and energy.
  • Satis: Named after the Egyptian goddess of fertility, hunting, and war, symbolizing a fierce and powerful cat.
  • Mehhët: Derived from Mehhet, an ancient Egyptian goddess of hunting and war, ideal for a bold and fearless cat.
  • Apt: An ancient Egyptian goddess, symbolizing care, love, and protection.
  • Berenib: Name your cat after Berenib, an ancient Egyptian queen who represented grace and sophistication.
  • Taemwadjsy: Derived from Taweret, the ancient Egyptian goddess connected to childbirth, fertility, and love.
  • Mehytenweskhet: An ancient Egyptian noblewoman, the name symbolizes wisdom and sophistication.
  • Hebony: Name your cat after Hebony, an ancient goddess connecting grace, beauty, and strength.
  • Henutaneb: An Egyptian princess during the 12th Dynasty, representing loyalty, grace, and elegance.
  • Shebitku: This ancient Egyptian queen’s name signifies grace, beauty, and nobility.
  • Seshetkau: The name of an ancient Egyptian queen, embodying devotion, grace, and royalty.

Frequently Asked Questions About Egyptian Cat Names

Curious about Egyptian cat names and their meanings? Dive in, as we answer your questions about Egyptian cat names.

Why would someone choose an Egyptian cat name?

Choosing an Egyptian cat name is a nod to the rich history and cultural significance cats held in ancient Egypt.

These names often carry a sense of majesty, mystery, and elegance.

What do Egyptian cat names mean?

Egyptian cat names usually have meanings associated with ancient Egyptian gods, goddesses, pharaohs, or terms.

For example, “Bastet” is the name of an ancient Egyptian goddess revered as the protector of cats.

Are Egyptian cat names unisex?

Some Egyptian cat names can be considered unisex, but many are gendered, drawing from male pharaohs or gods, or female queens and goddesses.

What does the Egyptian cat name Bastet mean?

Bastet refers to the ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet, who was the goddess of home, fertility, and protector of cats.

She was often depicted as a lioness or a woman with a lioness’s head.

Can I name my male cat after a female Egyptian deity (or vice versa)?

There are no rules when it comes to naming your pet. If a name resonates with you and you feel it suits your cat, go ahead and use it.

Can non-Egyptian breeds of cats have Egyptian names?

Any cat, regardless of breed, can have an Egyptian name. Your cat’s name is your personal choice and not restricted by breed or origin.

Who is the most famous Egyptian cat god?

The most famous Egyptian goddess associated with cats is Bastet.

Are Egyptian cat names popular only for Egyptian breeds like the Egyptian Mau?

While Egyptian cat names can be a fun choice for Egyptian breed cats like the Mau, they are not exclusively used for these breeds. Cat lovers worldwide can use these names for any cat breed.

How do I choose the right Egyptian cat name?

Choose an Egyptian cat name that you feel suits your cat’s behaviors, appearance, or simply because you like how it sounds or what it means.

Are all Egyptian cat names related to deities or are there other sources?

While many Egyptian cat names are derived from deities, others are drawn from pharaohs, queens, ancient Egyptian terms, and locations. So, you have plenty of sources to pick the perfect name from.


So we have walked through the golden oasis of names inscribed in this civilization.

Giving your cat an Egyptian name is a great way to cherish the greatest civilizations in our history.

These Egyptian cat names give you a chance to add elegance and regality to your cat’s identity.

Are you captivated by ancient deities? Or awed by legendary pharaohs? These names are full of choices, each telling a tale of the past.

They’re not just names. They’re conversation starters, intriguing to those who hear them.

Every name mirrors a story etched into the sands of time, a tribute to the mystic allure of your cat. Their essence resonates well in these names.

As this journey concludes, we hope that you’ve got the perfect name worthy of your cat’s mystique.

Share this post with your fellow cat lovers. Keep basking in the enigmatic charm of your cats, and until next time, happy purring!

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The editorial team at Name Verge is a diverse group of linguistic enthusiasts, creative writers, branding experts, and culture lovers.

With an enriched background in diverse disciplines, our team is driven by an inherent passion for names and the stories they carry within them.

Working together, we strive to compile a lot of distinctive and captivating names, taglines, and slogans, catering to the unique needs of our users across the globe.

Our dedication to exploring the world of names integrates well with our shared vision, to journey with you on your quest for the perfect name, because every name has a story to tell, and every story is worth remembering.